Humboldt- Del Norte SELPA Local Plan 2024/25

Pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 United States Code (20 USC) Section 1400 et seq. and related federal regulations, each special education Local Plan area (SELPA) is required to ensure a continuum of program options are available to meet the needs of students with disabilities for special education and related services.  The Humboldt – Del Norte SELPA through each local education agency, the county office, and the community advisory committee, has collaborated in preparing the 2020 revision to the Local Plan for review by the California Department of Education.

The State Superintendent has established guidelines for the coordinated development and submission a local plan’s components –Section A: Contacts and Certifications, Section B: Governance and Administration, Section D: Annual Budget Plan, Section E: Annual Services Plan, and required Attachments I -VII.

The Humboldt – Del Norte SELPA Local Plan ensures access to special education and services for all students with disabilities residing within the geographic area served by Humboldt and Del Norte Counties. Beginning July 1, 2020, all SELPAs were required to submit local plans to the California Department of Education (CDE) using CDE-created templates. The reasoning provided for this change involves increased uniformity of SELPA local plans across the State and greater transparency for members of the public about SELPAs in general and their structures and processes.

The CDE-created templates require descriptions about how Humboldt – Del Norte SELPA achieves compliance with its assurances, and they ask for references to information that explains in greater detail how that is accomplished. While Local Plan requirements are generally answered within the sections of the template, the Humboldt – Del Norte SELPA has supplemented its template, incorporating by reference other sources of information that elaborate more fully its Superintendent’s Special Education Policy Council policies; practice and guidance manuals; interagency agreements, and Community Advisory Committee by-laws.

2024/25 Local Plan for the Humboldt - Del Norte SELPA


Section A: Contacts and Certifications 

Section B: Governance and Administration

Section C: Not Required

Section D: Annual Budget Plan

Section D: Attachments

Section E: Annual Service Plan

Section E: Attachments

Local Plan Certifications


2025/26 Local Plan for the Humboldt - Del Norte SELPA (Public Viewing March 10 - May 5, 2025)

Pending Review and Approval May 6, 2025 - Public Hearing